
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Being Positive

so today, I'm thinking, how can I wake up with a more positive outlook or more positive energy? Just then I realised that it will take a continued effort, reminding myself everyday that every situation presented to me is a life lesson worth experiencing.

There are times when all we see are dark clouds without any clear silver lining, and so we think doom and dispair. But I'll tell you what my great friend, Thelma, always says: "That too shall pass..." So, no matter what you maybe going through now, it will have to come to an end. However, the quickness of that 'end' definately depends on how our minds are processing our present situations. In essence, it is how we see the situation or how fast we find a workable solution for our problems.

It simply means, that in order to put more positive energy into my life, it means that I have to make a conscious effort to do so until it becomes as easy as breathing. Therefore it all boils down to that one truly beautiful and most powerful engine ever: your brain/mind. Remember your mind is the most powerful tool we will ever possess and even in death, the brain will never be over its full capacity!

So I am charging myself and you, to be positive is to be positive. To think, live and breathe it. Let very opportunity and situation be a chance to be and safe positive!
xoxo Suni

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